Congratulations to Kelly and Ann who were both terrified initially of walking into the foreign territory of the gym. They both faced their fears – and did it anyway. Now, I’m happy to report, they’re both loving the gym and the time they get for themselves!
It is definitely daunting to walk into a gym for the first time, no matter how exercise savvy you are! I think it’s helpful the first few times to get hooked up with a personal trainer or a friend who works out at that gym. This person can help show you the ropes and help you familiarize yourself with the equipment.
Anything in life that you are doing for the first time will be slightly out of your comfort zone and maybe a little scary. That is where you have to just make it over the hump like Kelly and Ann did. Acknowledge that it’s intimidating. That’s okay – so what. Then go ahead in and focus on how great you feel while you’re there and when you’re done.
By the way, interestingly enough, other people really aren’t paying much attention to you if any – really ever. People are mainly concerned with themselves 99% of the time. So, even though you may feel like “everyone’s looking at you”, it’s just not true. Maybe they’re looking at the clock on the wall behind you. There are only so many places you can focus on between sets.
And, for the record, although a lot of people may look like they “know what they’re doing”, trust me, they do not. There’s a lot of faulty form and just downright wrong exercising going on. So, don’t worry about the other people around you. This is your time and it’s actually ALL ABOUT YOU!!
I’m so proud of everyone who has faced the challenge of trying something new – especially working out. Kudos to you. By taking the steps to take care of yourself and your health, you are already ahead of the game. And that’s all it is – a game; a mind game with yourself.