Welcome to this fun interactive site where you can get motivated, show off your stuff, and exchange advice on nutrition and diet, training, and beauty with other hot health-minded females! Stay up to date with cutting edge fitness and health information!
Think of the Cougar Gallery as a “Facebook” for you thirty-plus in shape hotties – a place to be recognized for your athleticism, your figure and health achievements, and all your hard work! Promote yourself! Network with each other and post links to your business or website on your own Personal Model Page.
Have you been looking for a platform to display all your efforts? Go ahead – show off a little! You have a hot body and you know what it took to get it; how hard you worked, and everything you do to stay hot. You live the healthy lifestyle and you are living proof that it’s well worth the effort. You deserve some recognition! Cougar Showcase! To apply, go to the Submit Yourself page. Send in your photos, stories, and bio including what your workout routine is, and what your diet is like. Tell us why you’re hot and why you’d like to be part of the Club.
It is our mission to show the world that fit females in their thirties, forties, fifties and up are still super hot and in top condition. They know the secrets of getting in shape and staying in shape and they’re ready to give those young twenty-year-olds a run for the money! Who says you have to put on weight and get frumpy as you get older? We say NO WAY! Many of these gorgeous girls are even hotter now than they were in their twenties – and they keep getting better and more fit year after year.
In fact, in case you haven’t noticed, there are more hot mature physically in-shape women out there than ever before. They are in tip top condition and have their acts together. Working out, focusing on health, and eating a proper diet are top priorities for them and it shows. Take a look in our Cougar Showcase and see what living the Healthy Lifestyle can do for you.
While you’re at it, take a moment to browse through our pages which are packed with top notch wellness information and tips. We’ll help you get started, keep you on track, or get you motivated.
Be on the cutting edge of well-being and health; we’re constantly evolving as new and exciting exercise science and wellness news comes out. Stay informed about the latest trends in diet, exercise, and beauty.
Give and receive; support your peers and be supported in achieving your goals and reaching the pinnacle of your quest for physique perfection.
And, as always …
Be Fit. Be Fierce.™
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