I was just reading through some of the commentary about walking on the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Inner Circle. I completely agree with the walking for several reasons.
First, you enjoy it, therefore you actually do it. If you’ve got cardio lined up that you don’t like, chances are good that you’re either not going to do it, or you may not give it your all. High intensity cardio isn’t effective if you don’t do it!
Walking is also joint-friendly. The constant jarring from running and the pressure on your knees from other cardio machines and biking can derail you.
Happiness is important. I read a book by Monica Seles where she said she started walking on the beach because it made her happy. Everyone was telling her to do other forms of “tougher” cardio, but she didn’t want to. And, I’ll tell you what, I was at a dinner with her this summer and she is super skinny, due to walking and eating organic foods (another subject!!).
And, yes, I have worn a heart-rate monitor during walks so I know how hard I’m working. There are different levels for sure. A lot of times though, my walk is my second form of cardio for the day, so I focus on fresh air, stretching my muscles, and enjoying nature.
Walking: Huge Thumbs Up!!