Thankful & Purposeful

Thanksgiving is here again! I can’t believe how fast Summer flew by, and I’m certainly not ready for the Holidays! How does this happen? I think we tend to get caught up in things that are going on and we just get swept along in life, similar to a piece of driftwood just floating along wherever the current takes it.

This year can be different for you. You can take charge of what you’re doing and where you’re going. Set some goals so you know if you’re headed in the right direction or not! When you don’t have goals, you just tend to flounder around and not accomplish very much. If you do actually achieve something, it’s probably a fluke.

So, how do you strive to achieve things on purpose? You start by setting goals for yourself. Take stock of where you are now. Take time to be thankful for everything you have and all the good surrounding you. Next, decide where you want to go (what you want), and when you want to get there (your deadline). Do you want to burn off body fat, get in shape for an upcoming vacation, take a class, learn something new?

It’s very important to be thankful for all that you have and be grateful for all the good in your life. But, it’s also equally important to look to the future and plan ahead! I always say, “Be happy, but never satisfied”. That means, enjoy your life, but always strive for more, strive to be better, get stronger, faster, smarter. Never settle, instead, strive for more, purposefully plan ahead and map out goals for yourself.

I’ll be doing a series of posts on Goal Setting, so stay tuned. In the meantime, give your future some thought. Decide where you’d like to be, what your fitness level will be, what you’d like to be doing next year at this time. Write down some ideas. On Thursday, Thanksgiving, take time to be thankful for all that you have and all the blessings you have received. Then, next week, we’ll get busy planning your future!!

2 Responses to “Thankful & Purposeful”

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  1. Well, we already had our Thanksgiving last month up here in brrrrCanada, but thought I’d let you know I’m thankful for having an awesome friend and inspiration in you! 🙂

    Love this post, too. Never be satisfied!! One of my own mottos!

    have a great holiday Stef… you deserve it!

    • Stef says:


      Hello & Thank YOU!!! You are super sweet! You’re also a huge inspiration and role model for us all – stay warm, my friend!

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